Sunday, September 21, 2014

2014 End of Season Outing and Banquet

Another golf year comes to a close.
I want to thank Meyer, great job keeping all the monies straight and great job with the prizes (Tom W., too!).
Also I want to thank Bill "The Blogger" Gallagher with keeping up the Phoenix Golf League blog (even though he was on the PUP list) and Kevin "Click-Click" Kearns for supplying us with golf pictures.
I want to thank St. Anne's for another great outing.  The course was in good shape and the food was excellent!
Winning Team:
Kevin Kearns, Manny Russell, Joe Alvarez and Bill Deyette.
I heard Joe is taking some Advil today because his back is so sore from carrying the team for the first 5 holes.
Good Round Gentlemen!
Coming in a close 2nd (1 back) was the team of Meyer Frankel, Dave White, Mike Galiszuski, and Ed Williams.
And then there was everyone, else!!
Long drive:
(Not Gene) – was it just me or was the 8th fairway, narrower than last year??
Bill Oravec won the longest drive.  Great drive Bill!
Closest to the Pin:
Tom Confrey 20’3” – great shot T.C.!
Not saying there was a little luck involved, but after the 4 of us hit our drives….I asked Lenny who’s ball was on the green. 
T.C. hit a nice ‘tree’ iron and bounced onto the green.
I hope to see everyone next golf season.
Gene, if you need us for an "intervention", maybe we could talk your wife out of moving to Florida!  Wait what am I saying, she probably leave right then and there.
But seriously, if yesterday was our last time golfing together, it was a pleasure!
Till next year….
Dave Deyette
(work) 413-794-9031
(cell)  413-887-8296